Question 7

Pick a movie or book website that makes you want to go see the movie or buy the book. Describe the informational elements that convinced you. Discuss how each type of information (synopsis, character descriptions, game ect.) fulfilled the goals that you had for visiting the site. (Please include a link.)

8 thoughts on “Question 7

  1. The website for BRAVE, Disney/Pixar’s latest movie release is incredibly captivating. From the onset, we have reviews of the movie which change every second to show what critics are saying about it. Soon after, the trailer for the movie becomes the center focus. There, we get to see an actual glimpse of key intriguing moments of the film. I wanted to see it based on the trailer alone as it highlights a defiant red head female character and showcases the beauty and vastness of Scotland. Once we close the trailer, the music playing brings us right into the mystique of the adventure. There is information on each character using text and visuals. The games are incredibly fun and there is an option of 4 games that relate directly to what Merida encounters in the movie, shooting arrows at targets and stone throwing. There is also a video in which the actors, producers and director discuss the film and how it came to life. The website feels completely immersive and the best part is that for a fan the fun does not have to end as there are sweepstakes, downloads and products available.

  2. If I had to pick a website I would probably pick the new Batman movie website. Not because it is the most anticipated movie of the summer, but because it has a prett cool website. When you first get on the website there is an image of the dark knight in the middle of chaos. Then within seconds a trailer of the movie pops up which if it doesn’t pump you up I don’t know what will. I explored the rest of the page the game was OK nothing special but the information and the details provided on the site made up for it. There’s an option for videos, pictures, find out the advertisers, tumblr pictures to view. Overall it was entertaining to view and it was easy to follow.

  3. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s using an answer someone already gave. But I have to confess, has got me squared. Though I will admit, its a movie I already wanted to see and this site really didn’t do much for me. So to try and be different I will say that now once you enter the sight, there’s a message from Christopher Nolan about the whole tragedy in Colorado, and it definitely helps one realize we live in a tragic world. Getting back on topic though, there is still the image of Batman in chaos, but after some seconds, it shifts to an image of Bane amongst the wreckage and then Catwoman riding a motorcycle of sorts, and I will say they all look cool. The Game they had there was to design your own Batmobile (Tumbler as its referred to, which sounds neat, but not very exciting), but there’s an about page, photos, videos, a soundtrack page, and a lot more than can be said for other film sites that have barely anything on it except to go buy the flick. Overall, I felt that the site gave justice to what the film is trying to be, and gave plenty of info for the public. (Though I hate using this since Mateusz Unrat already used this, but nothing else really appealed to me, and I hate repeating info. Sorry).

  4. I have been wanting to see The Dark Knight Rises and want to the official website the high technology level of the web site reinforced that this may be an Oscar winner in the “Best Effects” category or some some similar category. I DID NOT HAVE TO DO MUCH ROLLING OVER, POINTING & CLICKING OR use any other trigger to see the beautiful photos on the site. I am a big reader of reviews and I did not see any on the site , so I might want to add that under about the film. The synopsis had the use of the word “But ” at the start of the paragraph and that is always an attention grabber. I didn’t even realize that other classmates posted the same movie until I went back to the top to re-read the question specifics from Professor Sweeney. The character descriptions were good, but the large photos of the characters confirmed ” a picture is worth a 1000 words”. Although I am not a “car buff’ the gallery of cars on tumbler made me spend more time on the website than I might normally have spent. It made especially fond of the people behind the film when i read about their comments on the Aurora, Colorado tragedy. Hopefully, someday I will be able format such a smooth enticing site. Having a nav tab to prepay for tickets is so convenient, I’m sure the allure of site made other users buy the tickets immediately. The messages I received from the site were “mysterious” and “thrilling”. . .

    I wouldn’t mind seeing “The Odd Life of Timothy Green”. I remember seeing a preview in the theater of this movie and it seemed to be interesting how a couple wanted a child so badly and then something magical happened, he appeared at their doorstep the next morning. What I like about this website is it’s simplicity and little distraction with games, buttons, and animations, which can sometimes slow a viewer down and the loading of the webpage. I liked the focus of the green leaves throughout each page ( the green socks is quite comical). The typeface font for the title is extraordinary with different hue saturation’s and the consistency of the leaves and green socks for each page. The navigation is quite easy to look through. There is a button for videos and stills, a synopsis, and a button for magical moments, which ties into the theme. The photography is nice and bright as well. The facebook and twitter icons below are even in green. I believed the target audience is for adults and children and the messages are fantasy and hopefulness.

  6. It’s funny because this was the first movie i decided to choose and then i looked at everyone else’s comments and they all basically chose the same movie. But, anyways i looked at the website for The Dark Knight Rises and it’s incredibly made well and very eye appealing. Everything about the website keeps you interested and makes you want to see the movie. First off the main screen has a cool image changing effect, every minute or so the image changes from Batman, to Bane, to Catwoman and they are intense pictures. Above the middle of the screen displays a row of several selectable links such as: Home, About the film, videos, gallery, downloads, get tickets, friends of Gotham City, soundtrack, tumbler designer, and photo/video apps. Starting with about the film when you click, you are brought to a menu with three subtitles one being the synopsis or summary of the film, you can click cast which brings up a list of all the main characters to the film and they add a cool movement effect when you scroll over the names. Lastly you have the filmmakers. In the videos, it shows a list of all the trailers to the film. The gallery section is very cool with a scrolling bar at the bottom, which makes viewing the images all in one strip. The rest of the click-able items make the website very easy to move around. The effects seem to be very minor, not to intense but just right. The message that i get from the website would probably have to be adventurous and dark.

    The Secret World of Arrietty has a standard, yet somewhat magical layout and design. From the very start of the main page, you automatically get engrossed in an official trailer, with clips on the side from the movie itself, that practically gives the entire summary. The gallery is also full of great images that will allow you to appreciate the setting of this animation. Nothing is overly complicated about this site; the navigation is simple and concrete about what it is trying to tell the user. The typeface is also clean and clear enough to read, making the experience that much more meaningful.

    • The navigation bar even has a spot for ordering the movie online, which is nicely executed by linking to several other external shops that more than likely have a partnership with Disney.

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